forest products harvesting in Connecticut

Forest Products Harvester

Forest Products Harvesters and Supervising Forest Products Harvesters plan timber harvests. Only Supervising Forest Products Harvesters may solicit and execute contracts for timber purchases, mark trees to be cut and or left, recommend techniques and procedures such as steps for erosion control, and complete notification forms.

Trucking in Connecticut

Trucking Professional

Providing good, reliable trucking is essential to the timber harvesting industry. Trucking professionals work hand in hand with foresters and harvesting professionals to safely transport timber from the woods  to the sawmill.

Connecticut Forester


A forester is a professional in charge of caring for, planting and managing trees or forests. They are involved in a range of activities including restoration, conservation, timber harvest, and managing protected wooded areas.

Sawmill operators in Connecticut

Sawmill Operators

Most commercial sawmills specialize in processing either softwoods or hardwoods. The residential and light commercial construction industries primarily use softwood lumber for framing and rough carpentry. You’ll normally find hardwood materials used for furniture and finished products, including flooring, staircases and plywood veneer panels.

Firewood producers in Connecticut

Firewood Producers

Many Connecticut residents rely on firewood to heat their homes every winter. Firewood producers can contribute to timber production and other management objectives by carefully deciding when, where, and how to cut firewood.

organizations that support timber

Timber Supporters

Supporting members have a special interest in the success of Connecticut’s forest products industry. These partners work to promote and employ many of our timber professionals.


A Few Words About TIMPRO CT

The Connecticut Professional Timber Producers Association (TIMPRO CT) works to enhance the image and understanding of the forest products profession in Connecticut through public outreach programs, education and a commitment to professionalism amongst its members.

Our members are professionals dedicated to protecting a precious resource: our woodlands. That includes sustainable harvests for wood products. Our Outreach program provides education and opportunity for the community to learn about logging and logging safety, sawmill operations, and forestry here in Connecticut.

As a professional organization, we offer continuing education classes for all certified practitioners as required for certification renewal in Connecticut. All of our classes are approved by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Forestry.

As a community organization, we provide annual scholarships to students entering natural resource fields and we support Log-A-Load for Children to support the Miracle Children's Network

We thank NELA for its support of our new website.

for woodland owners

We offer a searchable database of Professional Timber Harvesters, Sawmills, and Foresters, and other Forestry Services capable of addressing every need – from curbing invasive pests and plants to framing timber to trucking.

creating sustainable forests

We can assist and perform every aspect of a harvest and management plan to ensure a sustainable forest for our future.

a community for professionals

TIMPRO CT is a resource for anyone interested in professional woodland management in Connecticut. To join us, please fill out TIMPRO CT's membership application.

Our members are dedicated to protecting Connecticut woodlands and ensuring sustainable harvests for wood products. If you're committed to these goals as well, please join us.

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