We're Not Just IN THE WOODS!
As you can imagine, Brennan Sheahan spends a lot of time in the woods as procurement forester for Connecticut Mulch. He searches for the right trees of the right species and condition for high quality pulp. His work enables us to get our deliveries safely packed in cardboard cartons or paper goods. But you’d be surprised at how much time Sheahan spends at board meetings for civic organizations.
Sheahan, a graduate of University of New Hampshire, has devoted himself to Connecticut ever since he came here, first to work with sawmills, then a succession of forest products producers. He is president of the Timber Producers Association of Connecticut, sits on the Granby Zoning Board, and participates in the Forest Practices Advisory Board
Sheahan often finds himself sitting on committees and panels, often working with many lawyers. “I bring a natural resources perspective, “he said. That means emphasizing the value of wise multiple uses of our forest landscape and protecting wildlife habitat. “A great thing about Connecticut is that I can meet with everyone from the governor to officials in the DEEP and more. I’ve even gotten to know all the state foresters.” He recently participated in a meeting via Zoom that pulled together a wide range of people in natural resource management to collaborate on related issues.
But Sheahan is proudest of his involvement with Log A load. Log A Load for Kids began in 1988 when loggers and others in the forest products community donated the value of a load of logs to their local Children’s Miracle Network hospital. In Connecticut, that is the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center in Hartford. TIMPRO members make contributions directly and donate valuable items for a raffle. He really enjoys heading down to CCMC in early December of every year to hand deliver the Log A Load check and meet the hard-working staff. “Seeing the children reminds me of why we participate in this event every year”.
As TIMPRO President, Sheahan has made Log A Load support a priority. “Our 2019 donation of $6250 is our highest ever,” he noted, “and marks our increasing commitment to the communities in which we work. In fact, the total since our first donation in 2007 is now over $40,000 – an impressive accomplishment for a small organization such as ours.”
“For me, what’s been rewarding is working with others to increase their knowledge of the natural world, to expand their perspective, and to make our voice heard,” he stated.
Get in Touch
CT Professional Timber Producers Association, Inc.
1133 Litchfield Road
Norfolk, CT 06058
860 948-0432
[email protected]
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